

Generally speaking, chickens that are grown/raised for meat production are called broilers. Broiler "CONTRACT GROWING" on the other hand are FARMS that are contracted to grow/raise chickens for meat production, which are then delivered to the dressing plant which is also CONTRACTED by the INTEGRATOR.


Broiler Services

Bitrade is here to assist you, from SOURCING day old chicks, feeds and veterinary products for your farm, to providing in depth training on farm management and operations.

Heating System


Feeding System

Drinking and Medicator System

CoMeo® feeder pan

CoMeo® is an automated pan feeding system for broilers. Choose this feeder pan if you prefer not to allow broilers inside the pan. At Roxell, we call this an open feeder pan. This type of pan does not have a grill. It is a hygienic solution that still allows the feed to be fully accessible. The chicks cannot sleep in the feed and, therefore, all birds have full access to the feed.

Contact us

Want to start your own farm?

Let us know how to help you by sending us a message or contacting us through the following ways:

Esquire Centre Bldg., 412 Gomezville cor. Guerrero St. Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City, Philippines