Farm Management

Apart from having the best equipment in the market, good farm management is required. We cannot have one without the other. For the past decades, we have seen the need to help our partners/investors manage and operate their farm in order for them to appreciate the value of their investments.


Farm Management Services

For the past decades, we have seen the need to “look into the past” as any structure/farm would need certain repairs/renovations. Apart from structural and mechanical issues arising, Bitrade also attends to issues on animal science. With the development in veterinary medicine combined with modern technology, addressing issues such as this at an early stage, reduces the risk of losing the entire flock.

Farm Retrofitting

If you have an existing farm we can easily retrofit your current operation to increase profit, cut cost and increase the efficiency of your pre existing farm. There is no need to start construction on a brand new farm when you can refit an already built farm, saving costs and laborious construction processes.

Prefabricated Farms

Prefabricated buildings are an easy way to get a farm going from the ground up. Factory build segments are shipped to the farm site and assembled into complete units. This saves time and provides uniformity for your farms. All prefabricated parts are specifically built to the requirements for achieving a farm's maximum potential.

Contact us

Want to start your own farm?

Let us know how to help you by sending us a message or contacting us through the following ways:

Esquire Centre Bldg., 412 Gomezville cor. Guerrero St. Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City, Philippines