Preventive Maintenance and Repair Services

Preventive Maintenance and Repair Services in vehicles is quite similar to that of a farm. In Bitrade, we call it Maintenance Repair and Services or “MRS”


Preventive Maintenance and Repair Services

The MRS team in Bitrade is on call. Similar to our Farm Management Services, the “MRS” team focuses on the repairs/troubleshooting on any mechanical issue that the farm may encounter. In some cases when emergencies arise, Bitrade engineers will respond within 24 hours at your doorstep. Proper coordination and communication is the least we require during this period.

Automated Feeding System

Well designed feeding systems allow faster weight gain and improve feeding efficiency. Bitrade’s feeding systems offer added value to our customers through accurate feed delivery and reduced feed wastage. Customers’ Return On Investment (ROI) is maximized by taking advantage of the unique and patented feed systems that optimize feeding space while preventing feed wastage.

Automated Drinking System

Since water is the most important ingredient in poultry and livestock operations, its continuous and efficient delivery is critical to any livestock operation. ROXELL’s high flow rate of Swiflo drinking systems are installed complete with water filters, Dosatron medicator, water meter and pressure restrictor which provides a complete nipple drinker system for broilers, broiler-breeders and commercial layers.

Measurement, Monitoring and Control System

Bitrade provides and installs computerized weighing scales with a high-capacity memory for livestock. Stored data, which is accessible via a pin coding system, can be uploaded from the weighing scale into office computers and is printable. Its unique reprint is used as an on-line audit function and gives the farm owner greater control of the business and more importantly, security and peace of mind.

Penning and Confinement System

Bitrade’s farm confinement systems include automated cage systems, egg collection and manure removal system for broilers and layers, as well as crates and pens for pigs. These systems are designed for simplicity and reliability and their durable construction ensures long service life. We have a wide variety of materials depending on the Customer’s budget and requirements.

Turnkey Project Management

Responsible farming today requires cost-effective production as one’s contribution to food security. This means combining new technologies harmoniously with animal husbandry, welfare and environmental solutions. Bitrade’s strength as Systems Integrator is drawn from years of experience in Project Implementation, Systems Design, and Farm Management.

Contact us

Want to start your own farm?

Let us know how to help you by sending us a message or contacting us through the following ways:

Esquire Centre Bldg., 412 Gomezville cor. Guerrero St. Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City, Philippines