Swine/Pig/Hog Farming in general is very different today. The Wean to Finish concept started in the late 1990’s and is being used today. This concept is constantly being improved and used all over the world. In some cases, this process/system is divided into different/smaller processes relative to financial capacity.



Bitrade in the 1990’s initially started as an equipment trading company catering to swine farming. Today, Bitrade is more than capable to provide the best farm system and solutions for any swine farm. Through the transfer of technology to our partners, Bitrade will help you grow.

Maintenance and Repair Services


Farm Management

Contact us

Want to start your own farm?

Let us know how to help you by sending us a message or contacting us through the following ways:

Esquire Centre Bldg., 412 Gomezville cor. Guerrero St. Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City, Philippines